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Financial Fumbles: The High Price of Hiring the Wrong Person

We couldn't resist a sports analogy for this one. Hiring the right person can be transformative to your organization, but what about when you hire the wrong candidate or employee?

In this article, we will delve into the specific adverse effects associated with hiring the wrong person in financial services.

1. Regulatory Consequences

Financial services firms operate in a heavily regulated environment, with strict compliance and reporting requirements. Hiring someone who lacks a clear understanding of these regulations is prone to making mistakes or prone to unethical behavior can lead to regulatory breaches, fines, and even the revocation of licenses. These legal consequences can be financially crippling and damage the firm's standing in the industry.

2. Ruining the Team Culture

Team culture is so important to prospective job movers and ranks as one of the top drivers in making a career jump, closely following compensation as the main factor.

It should come as no surprise then, that hiring the wrong person can quickly turn a highly productive and efficient team into one that’s sour.

We’ve heard time and time again “they hired this new person and it’s changed the culture of the team”.

Whether it’s creating toxic work practices, lowering standards in the group or lauding all of the manager/leader’s attention, it’s not good for the team dynamic.

3. Loss of Client Trust & Reputational Damage:

The cornerstone of any financial services firm is trust. Clients entrust their hard-earned money and financial well-being to these institutions. If a wrong hire jeopardizes that trust by making errors, failing to meet fiduciary responsibilities, or engaging in fraudulent activities, clients may flee to competitors. Rebuilding that lost trust can be a long and costly process.

Reputation is everything in our industry. A hiring mistake that results in scandal, financial loss, or regulatory violations can irreparably damage the firm's reputation. This can lead to clients withdrawing their investments and potential clients choosing to do business with more reputable competitors.

From a recruitment standpoint you can hamper the company’s image and miss out on the best talent as they have heard horror stories about some of your staff members (the industry is much smaller than you think!)

4. Investment Losses

In the asset management and investment sectors of financial services, hiring an underqualified or reckless employee can result in substantial investment losses. An inexperienced portfolio manager or an analyst who lacks expertise can make poor investment decisions, causing financial damage to the firm and its clients.

These losses can be magnified if the wrong hire is in a key decision-making role.

5. Legal Liabilities

Financial services employees have access to sensitive financial data, which makes them potential sources of security breaches or data leaks.

The operational risk of hiring the wrong person could expose the firm to lawsuits, fines, and the costs associated with data breach remediation.

We have seen over the years from E-communications Surveillance, Insider Trading, Ponzi Schemes and more that one bad actor can have severe consequences and multi-million dollar fines from regulators.

The knock on effects of these can mean increased regulatory scrutiny, forced investment in compliance and controls framework and an increase in overall operational costs to address the issue.

5. High Turnover Costs

Firms invest heavily in their employees, providing training and education to ensure they are well-equipped to meet industry standards. When a wrong hire is made and subsequently dismissed or leaves, all the resources invested in that employee are wasted. Hiring and training replacements can compound these costs.

So picture this scenario, you hire the wrong person, they monopolize your time (and bandwidth) which you would usually spend on other employees and as a result other team members feel disregarded/less valued.

Eventually (given the competitor nature of our space) the high performers complain or leave and all that time and energy invested into them is wasted in a massive brain drain.

Not only are you left with an employee who isn’t up to standard, you’ve now also lost your high performer on the team.


In the highly competitive and tightly regulated world of financial services, the cost of hiring the wrong person extends far beyond financial losses. It includes legal consequences, damage to the firm's reputation, and the erosion of client trust.

To mitigate these risks, it is crucial for firms to implement an in-depth hiring and onboarding processes that include comprehensive background checks, thorough skills assessments, and ongoing education on industry standards and ethics. Making the right hiring decisions is an essential step in preserving the financial health and integrity of a financial services organization.

If you'd like to discuss hiring the right person for your team and get someone who transforms your business in the best way, get in touch with us at

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